
The course will start off at approximately 8.30h and finish around 18.00h

Hereby you find the preliminary program. Adjustments can be made when necessary, so there are no rights to the preliminary program. Before the strt of the course you will receive a definitive program with the course study material.


8.30-9.00          Welcome + registration
9.00-9.20          Introduction DDH
9.20-9.40          Imaging in DDH
9.40-10.00        Inguinal ultrasound technique
10.00-10.15                       Coffee break
10.15-10.30     Practical use of inguinal ultrasound in the OR
10.30-11.15     Inguinal ultrasound demonstration on patients
11.15-11.30     Questions and discussion
11.30-11.45     Closure statement


Program Hip Sonography Course Rotterdam                               

Day 1: 

12.15-12.45     Registration (if not in precourse)
12.45-13.00     Welcome
13.00-13.45     Anatomical identification, checklist I
13.45-14.15     Usability check, standard plane, checklist II
14.15-14.30                      Coffee break
14.30-15.00     Pathology of the hip joint, sonographic types, Exception of checklist II
15.00-15.45     Practise on sonograms
15.45-16.30     Tilting effects and common mistakes
16.30-16.45                      Coffee break
16.45-17.30     Sonometer, Subtypes, Instability, Elastic wiping, Stress-test
17.30-18.00     Work in groups: measurements, description, subtypes
18.00                                  End of day 1


Day 2: 

8.30-9.00          Recapitulation of first day
9.00-10.00        Correction and discussion of the homework
10.00-10.15                       Coffee break
10.15-11.00     Description of ultrasound equipment and technique
                        Demonstration of technique on the phantom.
11.00-12.00     Work in groups: Measurement, description, training on phantom.
12.00-12.45                       Lunch
12.45-13.30     Tilting effects, Projection
13.30-15.00    Work in groups: Examination on babies, sonograms, Pavlik workshop
15.00-15.30                       Coffee break
15.30-16.00     Therapy according to sonographic types, mistakes, swaddling
16.00-17.00     Discussion of the mistake, Test on sonograms
17.00-17.30     Final statement
                                           End of course